Thoughts on culture, education, and having been a Canadian in the US
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Posts from — March 2005

Montréal, World Book Capital 2005

The 7th annual Blue Metropolis Literary Festival launches today in Montreal and runs until April 3. While a great deal of it is focused on French writers, there are always quite a few interesting sessions in English.

There will be many literary events in Montreal this year, as UNESCO has named Montreal as World Book Capital for 2005. That status begins on April 23 and will be marked by a two day launch festivity, which includes the grand opening of Montreal’s new Grande Bibliothèque (the Big Library), which has been under construction for the last several years. It promises to be an amazing library. You can find out more about the World Book Capital events at the official website.

March 30, 2005   No Comments

If you like this title, we also recommend… Panther Girl of the Kongo (1955)


From, sent to me by my sister.

Canadian Mounties vs. Atomic Invaders (1953): A villain named Marlof attempts to set up secret missile bases inside Canada so he can launch missiles at the U.S. The Canadian Mounted Police dispatch agents to try to stop him.

I’m not sure what I like best, the description of the series or the recommendation of Panther Girl of the Kongo as something fans of this show might also enjoy.

March 24, 2005   3 Comments

Browser issues

Yesterday, thanks to the dogged persistence of my English 086 students I discovered that at least one and perhaps all of my blogs are not displaying properly in Internet Explorer for Windows. The postings are displaying properly, but when it comes time to read comments users only see a blank comment box.

Fortunately, there is a quick solution: the blog displays properly in Firefox, a great browser that you can download for free at the UVM software page ( We’re looking into what might be causing this error on IE, but for the meantime, please download Firefox and start using it to access the blog.

You may well find you like it a lot better than IE anyhow. It is faster, and much less susceptible to spyware and adware. You can learn more about Firefox here.

March 9, 2005   Comments Off on Browser issues

I always thought that I really wanted a dog…

Now there is a new pet that is the top of my wish list. Only if I can bring him to work though….

March 2, 2005   Comments Off on I always thought that I really wanted a dog…