starter help
Hi Mike and all,
Just tried fooling around a bit with the main index template with no success. I was denied permission. Is that easy enought to fix that I can customize my blog page?
Hi Mike and all,
Just tried fooling around a bit with the main index template with no success. I was denied permission. Is that easy enought to fix that I can customize my blog page?
Hmm. That was the problem I ran into last fall when I did a test MT install.
I got caught in a delimma … if I wanted to change my style sheets, e.g. to use a different font or color, I had to make the style sheet “non-writable” — this would (and still does) generate an error everytime I update a page. If I wanted to get rid of the error message, I could … but any style sheet change I made would get wiped out when I added a new entry … and I was back to ground zero.
I didn’t have that problem when I installed MT on my Macintosh, but ran into the issue that since letting users run blogs on their own machines is considered an unacceptable security risk, I couldn’t make effective use of MT there.
I’m sure Mike will find a way to fix this.
I also notice that when I post a comment, I don’t get taken back to the main blog, but to the comment form. I’m not sure if this is the normal behavior.
After my bike ride, I’ll scout out some other MT blogs to see how they behave.
Ok, found the problem. This was actually a problem with the blog settings for your blog. I didn’t give your account the needed access rights to rebuild the blog. You should be all set now.
Also, I found a problem with the include files for the admin site, so that should look much nicer now too!
Just checked that out now, Mike. It looks MUCH better!
Will try rebuilding again tomorrow as I play around with this more….
WOW. It is really up and running. Excellent. How can we help trouble shoot it?