More on podcasting at UVM
It seems like every day now there are new articles about podcasting in schools and at colleges and universities. These are really exciting times on the technology front. As I start to prepare for my fall semester’s courses, I can really see podcasting becoming a more integral part of what I do. On July 1, I’ll officially become the new Director of Canadian Studies here at UVM, and I can anticipate us creating podcasts of future Canadian Studies events. The same goes for the English Department. We have great writers coming through here every week it seems. How great would it be to make their public readings available for others to hear? Maybe we could also start to interview each of those writers when they come through and podcast the results. The opportunities here are limitless….
Here are some links to some excellent articles I’ve seen over the last few days:
- This article from THE Journal, entitled “In iPods We Trust” is a must read.
- From USA Today, “iPods now double as study aids” gives some good examples of podcasting in action.
- iTunes U making an impact at Duke gives a great example of how podcasting can be used for language teaching.